Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


Patron El Cielo Tequila 700ml

Patron El Cielo Tequila 700ml

Distilled four times to unlock 100% naturally sweet and subtle agave flavors, PATRÓN EL CIELO delivers an incomparable taste with an undeniably light, fresh, and ultra-smooth finish. Make yourself an EL CIELO Over Ice with a Slice, a bright cocktail to enjoy PATRÓN EL CIELO—just serve over ice with a slice of orange to unlock its fresh flavor profile.

Finish: Smooth & Long-Lasting

Color: Radiantly Clear

Taste: Cooked Agave, Sweet, Fruity, Citric

Alcohol 40% by volume

Nutritional Facts: 50 kcal, Caffeine-free 0g Carbs, Gluten-free 0g Fat, Sat. Fat 0g, Protein 0g, Sugar 0g, Salt 0g

HK$ 1,500.00

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